
Continuous-wave room-temperature diamond maser
Jonathan D. Breeze, Enrico Salvadori, Juna Sathian, Neil McN Alford, Christopher W. M. Kay
Nature, 01 Mar 2018
Room-temperature masers based upon photo-excited triplets in organic molecular crystals, such as pentacene-doped p-terphenyl, have poor thermal and mechanical properties and can only operate for short durations typically ~1 ms. Here we demonstrated a room-temperature maser based on optically-pumped nitrogen–vacancy defect centres in diamond that could operate continuously.

Room-temperature solid-state maser
Mark Oxborrow, Jonathan D. Breeze, Neil M. Alford
Nature, 15 Aug 2012
The maser is the microwave-frequency precursor of the now ubiquitous laser. But it had little technological impact compared with the laser because of inconvenience: masers typically require vacuum and cryogenic-temperature operating conditions. Overcoming these obstacles would pave the way for significant maser-based innovations from molecular biology to medicine, security, radio astronomy and quantum technologies. Here we demonstrated the first solid-state room-temperature maser, based on an organic molecular crystal of pentacene-doped p-terphenyl.

Device and method for generating stimulated
emission of microwave or radio frequency radiation
WO EP US JP GB US9293890B2
Filed 2013-05-24 • Granted 2016-03-22 • Published 2016-03-22